Chulucanas, Peru
Vicariate of St. John of Sahagun

Welcome to the Web Page
of the Augustinians
working in Chulucanas, Peru

The menu below is for information in English

Installation of the New Bishop of Chulucanas

Mass of Thanksgiving for Bishop McNabb

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Assembly of the Augustinians to celebrate the Jubilee Year

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Feast of St. Augustine with the openning of the process of canonization of 
John McKniff, OSA

March in Favor of Democracy


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The El Niño Phenomenon: Destruction and Rebuilding

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Priesthood Ordination of
Gioberty Calle and his

first mass in Pacaipampa

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Peruvian dolls are a great gift idea: simple, inexpensive and helps directly a group of poor women

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Signature Campaign in Favor of Respect for Human Rights
Liturgy and Presentation of the Signatures

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"Adios" to Fr. Bob Prevost


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